Give it to God. And if u cant concentrae for long enough to do that, Be still and know that he is god. Either or, he appriciates them both.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

stuff and things goin on...

hey, dunnit feel good to reach goals, or accomplish wat u wanted to do? yup.

so, holidays eh? coolness! iv cn sum cool stuff oceans 12,princess diaries, wite chix,sharktale,lol,ok ok, iv cn other stuff too....the apprentice ended :'( moment of silence.... i rooted 4 kwami,but congrats to bill, he aint too shabby lookin, lol....but iv cn cool stuff that aint on a flatscreen too lol.a wite tiger at the moscow circus. Note: thats my fave animal.out of 3.

OK fine, that little statement at the begining,ur probly like...wha?..only from jo hey...well...yes, but ill say a bit on it then.happens a little weight lifted off u,a sigh of relief,joy of it all falling into place.sometimes what u wanted to accomplish gets accomplished early and all the rest of whatever u were doing cant get worse.i no im not making sense to you, so ill try put it easier...
its all about standards.
think about it, some poeple say things arent ever good enuf, or they want it all to be perfect, and reallife aint a movie,pre thort out. if your standards are to high for life and schoolwork,friends,everything isnt good enuf, try think without that every inch of perfection.
before you do something, set a goal for it, anything, and dont want more and more once youve started.stick to that goal, and once its accomplished, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of whatever it is.
1.set goal.
3.all things are possible through god,who gives us strength.
3 1/2.dont doubt.that breaks all 3 steps, and u hav to start again.
You WILL sink wen u doubt.
all u can do is start again.
if u got any of that im super glad...cos it kinda hard to get across. :)

Some other stuff and things goin on are this tsunami and...stuff there. and, i was kinda not paying attention to it because it wasnt near me and my family and friends, and i didnt want to get pulled into it cos its really sad n stuff, and frankly, i just didnt want to believe it happened. i hadnt bn told officialy, and i hadnt spoke much bout it so i was distanced. but yesterday i was speaking to my dad and he told me about this mother that was interveiwed as she landed in Heathrow, she was with her husband and kids on the beach, and hasnt seen any of them since. you are helpless, ants with an annoying kid and a hose pipe.on. but thats not god, that the devil. god is there the whole time, answering the prayers of those who come to him.
then my dad told me about this couple that got engaged the day brfore, he went to the bathroom in their flat, the wave came ,and she hasnt seen him since. a wall apart and in one minute,buildingsand beaches apart. then we spoke about the damage, EverythinG gone, rubble.thats all. no shops, no houses, no fast food, no trains, no nothing. On one hand it makes you grateful. and that car trouble seem so little in comparison. Then on the other hand, it makes you angry, how can this happen, everyfamily, every person had their own lifestory andambitions and now its all lost.
Then suddenly this flow of perace rushed right through me; God knows what hes doing.
He has it all under control.
its not for us to worry about, but instead, trust gods decisions and offer a helping hand where we can.
He hand piced every surviving person, and he knows what he is doing.
So a smile once again appeard on my face.

that applys for everything.


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