Give it to God. And if u cant concentrae for long enough to do that, Be still and know that he is god. Either or, he appriciates them both.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

the time has come..

yes folks, the tym has come,
indeed today, and 12 hundred hours and thirty minutes i saw ...."THe Incredibles".


defin8ly a must see guys!
elastigirl rox! \m/
specialy the part wen shes inbetween em doors. lol!

oh, i also did uncle pauls, christmas parties where we help out, and it was the last nyt this year. twas fun.
wots so cute is that they take the left over sweets from 'the fairy' and hand them out on christmas day in the childrens hostipal (yes, hosTiPal lol!) ward. :)

all charity.


chek yal soon,
l8r days,
merry christmas,
im cheers to my buddy lees huws tomoro,
then we gotsta put up our tree.



Blogger six_cents said...

all riiite
uncle pauls i saw an article on it in da newspaper
fairy sweets mmhmmm....
i mean i havnt had eni of them!!
or had 4packets the night be4 YOU went!!
its all good lol

December 25, 2004 at 5:57 AM

Blogger * JoSy * said...


cut me deep dan, cut me deep.

December 25, 2004 at 12:53 PM


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