Give it to God. And if u cant concentrae for long enough to do that, Be still and know that he is god. Either or, he appriciates them both.

Thursday, March 24, 2005



msn sux!

THIS MUCH!!!!!!!!!

Why cant i download it? i have 25 MB left of space! why does this ALWAYS happen to me? if someone else wer here it wouldnt happen.

ps, how do u put in anouther hard drive??...
and how do u take it out of anouther pc..?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Just for the record.

Sometimes i think.....
cool , you no, this is great, im doin this great thing.
but i turn out not telling anyone.
Why do poeple tel ppl how great they themselves are? do they look for accepteance? pride?

i used to......still do. but dont.
just for the record, i do alot of things no one knows about. i 'dominate' with people and dont spread it, i have 'intense' conversations and dont broadcast those either.

yes, i want to. but is that then why i do it? no. i certainly hope not.
i do it for god. why would a wastea perfectly good blessing i could recive from telling people about it.

sure it may not be the same catagory as wat im sayin and sure u may nt understand a word. but this is a form of diary and my thoughts will be aired. :)

then i thort...why dont i tell ne-one???
is it because i want them to one day fibd out and be like, 'woah i didnt no that, respect for her'?
wel, truth is, they wont find out. mostly cos ppl dont care.
is that the reson i dont say alot of things?
maybe. maybe i just think they dont care wen they do? no.
chances are they dont.

so why impress with things that we should not use to impress other ppl with?
saying a statement, getting to know one anouther, fine. perfect.
should happen more often.

but sometimes it just makes u feel this big. yet in your heart you know things other ppl dont.
tell them and raise thier impression of you
or dont. let them either figure it for themselves or dont care if they know or not.

god knows me.
that is all i need.

the rest of me is for building friendships.
not to broadcast, but to tell ppl that are actually interested, not just to impres.

if u dont understand wich is hily likley, sorry, more stuf wil make sense on here soon.


Thursday, March 10, 2005


he's got the whole world in his hands.

and so it is true.

and dont u deny it.

though.....he must have realyy big hands :)

Saturday, March 05, 2005


hey ebody.....
i feel like an idiot cos thers only eva like 2 ppl dat read dis.

but ya, anyways, minus negative thorts.
The power of posative thaughts is actually alot more than we think. i suggest u guys giv it a try.
everytym u sday/think sumin negative, think of a blessing in that same area.
Why always assum the worst o situations?
Think posative trust me, its so much more fun, and things actually do tend to work out 4 the best. Sometimes it does take a wile,but in the end...

Thanking god has always come so easily for me, i mean hello, he made Everything in this world!he gave me everything i have.One of my faverioute things to do is just sit......and look, oagle ova wot he's made.
i sit in my hammock,watching the sun go behind the trees,thank him 4 the sun, 4 day and night,and nothings too small.
I was watching an ant pic up this mose big thing and take it away and i was like, u no, thats pretty cool.
And it is, how the grass grows, how cells divide, how the moon orbits around the earth.Theres so much.
Like that song, praise him, all he created praises him, if we dont, the sea and sky does, the plants and sands, everything.
Thats also y i dig the song blessed be ur name, cos it must be, how dare it not, with all that we've got, why not thank him constantly.

This morning was a cool sleep in,sept as i was trying to do so, riding my friends Scooter in my dream nogal, these HardiDa's were making this RacKEt RITE outside my window.this is not the first tym its happened. i was like, Do these Hardi finkin DA birds Eva shut aaaaahhhp??
then i decided to go and check it out. So i rolled over and looked out the corner of my window :)
and 3 of them wer just chilling and i was like arg...then i sed thank u god 4 these birds and that they have piced outside my window o chill. Whilst noticing wat a rad day it was!

So,ya, i encourage u all to lokk at things postaivley and thank god 4 things.small things,big things, anythings.
Look at things through childrens eyes:

Matt 18v1-5 -
At the time the disciples came to Jesus, asking, "Who is the GREATEST in the kingdom of heaven?"
So jesus called a child, made him stnd infront of them, and said, "I assure you that UNLESS you change and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven. The greasest in the Kingdom of heaven is the one who Humbles himself and becomes like this CHILD. And whoever WELCOMES in my name one such child as this, WELCOMES ME.

*cool eh?
Lets find that inner kid guys!
